3D Utility Survey Practices

A 3D Utility Initiative is being undertaken as part of the WisDOT 3D Technologies Implementation Plan. The goals of this initiative are:

  1. Determine best practical mapping technologies for acquiring 3D utility alignments; and
  2. Develop and incorporate associated standards and best practices.

The main objective is to establish WisDOT guidelines for systematic and efficient acquisition of 3D utility data for use with current and evolving virtual design and construction and related digital project delivery technologies and utility engineering best practices that improve safety, mitigate risks and reduce costs.

A report entitled "3D Utility Survey Practices" has been prepared by Utility Mapping Services, Inc. (UMS). This report provides analysis on the WisDOT pilot projects that utilized 3D utility data acquisition methods, examines available 3D utility survey and locating technologies, examines such practices in other states, and provides recommendations for the development and implementation of guidelines for the systematic and efficient acquisition of 3D utility data.

An additional report entitled “3D Utility Survey Data” has been prepared by Jacobs. This report provides analysis and recommendations on the use of 2D and 3D utility survey data in plans and models; including the depiction and transfer of survey data, clash detection workflows and permit requirements. Also included is the analysis on 3D requirements applied to the WisDOT STH 50 project in our Southeast Region.

Report documents

3D utility survey practices – Executive summary

3D Utility Survey Data - Executive Summary​

To obtain copies of the remaining report documents, contact the DOT DTSD CO Utility Coordination mailbox.

  • 3D utility survey practices – Report
  • 3D utility survey practices – Appendix A
  • 3D utility survey practices – Appendix B
  • 3D utility survey practices – Appendix C
  • 3D utility survey practices – Appendix D
  • 3D utility survey practices – Appendix E
  • 3D utility survey practices – Appendix F
  • 3D Utility Survey Data - Report​