Official signs


Official signs are erected and maintained by public officers or public agencies that display general noncommercial destination information. Traditional zoning restrictions do not apply to this category of sign and no application or annual fee is charged.


  • Private property (off highway right-of-way) on controlled routes


  • 150 square feet maximum area;
  • 20 feet maximum height or length


  • Must be erected for the purpose of carrying out an official duty or responsibility.
  • Cannot contain any commercial message or business name.

Fabrication, installation and maintenance

  • Paid for by Applicant

Relevant law, code, manual




  • Must be erected and maintained by a public officer or agency
  • Must be located within the territorial or zoning jurisdiction of the public officer or agency
  • Must be erected for the purpose of carrying out an official duty or responsibility
  • Cannot contain any commercial message or business name
  • Additionally, the sign must
    • Be located entirely on the business property (includes overhang and landscaping)
    • Be outside of any setbacks (includes overhang and landscaping)
    • Not encroach onto the highway right of way
    • Not constitute a safety hazard (i.e., does not impede adequate traffic vision lines for all roads and all access points that serve this business)
    • Cannot obscure or otherwise interfere with official traffic control devices
    • Cannot obstruct or otherwise interfere with the vision of a driver approaching an intersection

For more information

Contact the WisDOT Region Outdoor Advertising Signing Contact.