WIS 21 Planning Study - Public involvement

Wisconsin Department of Transportation is involving the public to identify concerns, determine needs and develop recommendations for WIS 21. This page lists public involvement activities for the WIS 21 Planning Study.

Public Involvement Meetings (PIM), hearings and other meetings


None - Study concluded

Past meetings



A questionnaire was mailed to a sample of businesses and residents along the WIS 21 corridor in February 2005. It served as a tool to better understand preliminary study issues and to help generate public awareness and encourage public participation during the transportation plan development.

Local officials stakeholder committee

WisDOT established a local officials stakeholder committee to provide information throughout the planning process. Committee members represent:

  • Winnebago County
  • Cities of Oshkosh and Omro
  • Towns of Algoma and Omro
  • East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission

The WIS 21 local officials committee identified seve​ral WIS 21 concerns at their Dec. 2004 meeting.