US 12/18 Freeway Conversion Study - Need/purpose

Why is this project needed?

To evaluate freeway conversion alternatives, identify the preferred alternative that will meet future roadway needs and preserve the corridor for future construction. The study will also identify potential interim improvements which could be constructed to meet safety or operational needs.

Transportation demand

  • Existing traffic volumes (2012 counts) range from 15,000 vehicles per day (vpd) between County AB and County N to 16,900 vpd between I-39/90 and County AB.
  • Traffic volumes are expected to increase to 21,400 vpd between County AB and County N and 38,000 vpd between I-39/90 and County AB in the year 2040​.

Crash history

  • The segment from I-39/90 to County N has an average crash rate more than three times the statewide average for similar roadways; injury and fatal crash rates for this segment are also above statewide averages.
  • The intersection of Millpond Road/Long Drive with US 12/18 has an average crash rate that exceeds the statewide average; injury and fatal crash rates for this intersection also exceed statewide averages.

Traffic operations

  • The intersections of US 12/18 with Millpond Road/Long Drive and County AB currently do not operate at desirable levels.
  • Improvements to the Beltline interchange and development along the County AB corridor are expected to affect traffic operations and safety along US 12/18.