Work zone audio production transcripts/guion

Distraction Crash | Pay Attention Hospital | Tim's Story | Five a DayLive with That | That Guy | Sepa la zona

 60-second Audio scripts 

"Distraction Crash"

Sound effects: The end of a violent crash. Then the creaks, hisses and groans of a car settling on the side of the road. Nighttime sounds. Over it all, a passenger's panicked breathing.

Voice over 1: (groans) Are you okay?

Voice over 2: We’re upside down.

Voice over 1: Josh, you’re bleeding. Are you...

Voice over 2: I’m okay. (grunts) Can you get out?

Sound effects: Movement. Broken glass clinks, metal creaks.

Voice over 1: (a moan of pain, panting) I’m stuck. How did we...

Voice over 2: I don’t know. We were in construction. It was like the lane just ended.

Voice over 1: You were going so fast...

Voice over 2: I screwed up, okay? I saw the barrels, I just didn’t pay attention. (swallows a curse) I can’t find my phone.

Voice over 1:  It’s okay. Someone will help. (pause) Someone will come, right?

Sound effects: Car hisses, nighttime sounds.

Tag: Wisconsin D-O-T.

"Pay Attention, Hospital"

Sound effects: Machines beep quietly in a hospital room. People murmur in the hallway, a wheelchair squeaks by, doctors are paged. Over it all, someone paces across the floor.

Mom: How long did she say?

Dad: Five minutes. Sit. The doctor will be back soon.

Sound effects: Chair squeaks as she sits down.

Mom: I knew that job was too dangerous. The traffic...

Dad: Road construction means traffic, honey. It was an accident. Most drivers...

Mom: No. Nobody slows down, nobody pays attention, nobody moves over. It’s like they don’t even see him. (sob) His back, his arm. What if they can’t fix him?

Dad: I don’t know.

Sound effects: Chair squeaks as she stands back up.

Mom: What if they can’t… what if he can’t ever...

Dad: I don’t know.

Sound effects: More pacing, machines beep.

Tag: Wisconsin D-O-T.

"Tim's Story"

Voice over: Milwaukee County Sheriff's Deputy Tim Johnson never saw the car that almost killed him.

Sound effects: Low traffic sounds, the rush of cars passing close by.

Voice over: Surrounded by orange cones and flashing lights, he was just doing his job. Drivers were supposed to move over or slow down, like the law requires. Tim was supposed to be safe. He wasn't. A car slammed into Tim, throwing the deputy 60 feet - headfirst - into a cement median.

Sound effects: A truck roars past. Low traffic sounds continue.

Voice over: Every day, crashes put law enforcement, maintenance crews and emergency workers at risk. Most happen because drivers don't pay attention. They tailgate. Eat. Talk on their phones and fiddle with their stereos. They don't slow down or move over when they see the flashing lights. They put people in harm's way… and the consequences are serious. Penalties for work zone violations are high. Fines are even doubled. But it's the victims who pay the most when you don't drive safer in the zone. Just ask Tim Johnson.

Music: Serious, moving.

Tim: When we use our lights at the side of the road, use yours. Please move over or slow down when you see workers or flashing lights on the side of the road.

Voice over: Sponsored by the Wisconsin DOT.

"Five a Day"

Music: Cool, friendly

Voice over: Imagine. If the next minute was an average day in one of Wisconsin's work zones, you could expect a car crash right about…

Sound effects: Unrealistic crash

Voice over: …now. Sound bad? Just wait. There'll be another one in 12 seconds. Because the people working on Wisconsin's roads face 5…

Sound effects: Unrealistic crash

Voice over: …crashes a day. Nearly 2,000 work zone collisions-and eleven people killed-every year. You can change that.

Sound effects: Unrealistic crash

Voice over: Driving safe in the zone is easy if you follow the law. You must slow down and move over, if you can, when you see flashing lights. Watch out...

Sound effects: Unrealistic crash

Voice over: …for orange signs, cones and barrels. And drop distractions like your phone, your music or your lunch. Paying attention can… (bracing)

Sound effects: Pause

Voice over: (relieved) …stop a crash from ever happening. You don't want to hurt anyone. So please, be safer in the zone. Sponsored by the Wisconsin DOT.

 30-second Audio scripts 

"Live With That"

Sipping a cup of hot coffee. Choosing a song on your MP3 player. Blowing your nose. Eating French fries. Answering your phone. Checking your make-up. Digging for change in your pockets. Changing the radio station. Or even listening to this message. None of these…not one…nothing is more important than staying alert, slowing down, and moving over if possible, when you’re driving in a work zone, where penalties double. If you can live with that, everybody else can, too. A message from the Wisconsin DOT.

"That Guy"

Are you "that guy?" That guy who tailgates. That guy who cuts everyone off. The guy who passes on the shoulder. That guy who doesn’t signal his lane change. That guy who blows past at 10, 20, 30 over the limit? Or are you "that guy" who doesn’t pay attention, slow down and move over if possible when driving through a work zone where penalties double? On behalf of everyone else out on the road, working or driving, don’t be "that guy." If you can live with that, everybody else can, too. A message from the Wisconsin DOT.

"Sepa la zona"

Safer In The ZoneObras de carretera que duran semanas. Un quitanieves con luces de aviso.

Vehículos de emergencia al lado de la vía. En Wisconsin, todos son zonas de trabajo, y pueden ser peligrosos para conductores y trabajadores.

Cada año, ocurren unos 2000 accidentes de vehículos en zonas de trabajo, la mayoría por conductores que no prestan atención. Siguen muy de cerca, comen y hablan por teléfono. No respetan la ley de que se debe ir más despacio y pasar a otro carril al ver señales y barriles naranja o luces intermitentes. No es intencional, pero hacen daño a otros.

Grandes consecuencias de infracciones en zona de trabajo: se duplican las multas, pero las víctimas de accidente en zona de trabajo pagan el mayor precio. Así que vaya más despacio y pase al otro carril cuando vea luces intermitentes, y esté más a salvo en la zona.

Un mensaje de Wisconsin DOT.