Street modified vehicles

A street modified vehicle, (Wisconsin statutes 341.268(1)(f)), means a motor vehicle of any age which has been modified from original manufacturers specifications, but does not include any reconstructed vehicle as defined under par (d).

  • vehicle can still be recognized as the original year and make

A street modified vehicle will be titled and registered by the vehicle year and make of the vehicle being modified and branded as a STREET MODIFIED vehicle.

When the hobbyist law first went into effect it was only for homemade and reconstructed vehicles. The law was later modified to include definitions for street modified and replica vehicles. If your vehicle is currently titled as a “reconstructed” {341.268(1)(d)} or “homemade” {341.268(1)(b)} vehicle to qualify for hobbyist license plates, defined in Wisconsin Statutes 341.268, that meets the definition of a replica can be retitled as replica.  Refer to Remove Reconstructed or Homemade Vehicle Designation, form MV2389.