Forms and documents

​The following forms and documents are intended for the use of the engineering consultants and contractors with which we are doing business.

Contractor forms and documents​

Contractor forms and documents
Revision date
Certificate of good faith efforts
February 2024
Commitment to subcontractor to DBE
​June ​​7, 2023
Construction contractor identification data
April 1, 2014
Erosion Control Implementation Plan Worksheet (ECIP)​​
January 31​, 2023
Public improvement liens

Request to bid current workload
​November​ 17, 2021
Safety Plan Compliance Document (SPCD)​October 22, 2013
Sublet request and DBE sublet request​August 30, 2017
Workforce Utilization Report & Instructions​April 10, 2019

​Engineering forms and documents

Design | Environmental | Land | Construction | Contracts and invoices

​Engineering forms and documentsRevision date
Consultant report form
Instructions for consultant report form

February 6, 2020

Pre-design and desi​​gn

Revision date​
Bid tab templateSeptember 25, 2018
Commitment to subcontract to DBE
March 28, 2017
Certificate of good faith efforts (DBE) by consultant
Marc​​h 12, 2018
Consultant's report of DBE accomplishmentsMarch 12, 2018
Consultant certification for plans and specifications (Federal aid)
June 13, 2013
Consultant certification for plans and specifications (State aid)April 11, 2013
Modification of construction standards FormApril 11, 2013
Modification of construction standards - cover letter to FAA January 9, 2019
Agriculture impact notification
April 12, 2013


Revision date

Checklist to support environmental finding of categorical exclusion

June 2, 2017
Environmental report for proposal actionsApril 12, 2013
Department of Natural Resources (DNR) liaison list
external link​
Environmental Assessment (EA) scope of work for consultantsMay 13, 2013
Preliminary EA cover sheetApril 12, 2013
Preliminary EA distribution formMarch 18, 2021
Notice of opportunity for public hearing concerning EAMarch 12, 2018
Section 106 reviewApril 12, 2013
44.40 Review Form (State Participation Projects)March 4, 2015
Final EA cover sheet (block grant airports)April 15, 2013
Final EA cover sheet (primary airports)​
May 13​, 2013
New Transportation Construction General Permit (TCGP) Forms

September 5, 2023
​September 5, 2023


Revision date

Administrative settlement report
​November 19, 2020

Advance land acquisition loan program

June 6, 2014
Appraisal and appraisal review guidelines for land acquisition and release​December 14, 2016
Appraisal review, certification & recommendation (agency appraisal)​August 6, 2015
​Avigation easements
​August 1, 2017
Avigation easements brochure
​May 2, 2012
Blank Signature Form
​October 13, 2023
Certificate of Appraiser​June 29, 2011
Checklist for land acquisition
​July 7, 2016
Clear zone and avigation easement conditions​​
​March 29, 2024
​​Contract for legal services
​May 20, 2024
Environmental investigations guidelines for land acquisition​March 23, 2012
Land acquisition check requestAugust 28, 2020
Negotiation diary​November 19, 2020
Owner appraisal review & certification​November 16, 2015
Ownership Information Record​November 20, 2020
Project Monthly Progress Report​February 22, 2022
Recommended Purchase Price - Planned Property Acquisition​November 2, 2020
Relocation claim - application and release
​January 23, 2023​
​​Relocation Individual Case Report​ (DOA)
​October 31, 2017

Rights of Landowners Under WI Eminent Domain Law [Wis Stats 32.05]​

​November 1, 2021

​Self-Move Agreement
​July 1, 2020
​Sponsor Certification for Real Property Acquisition
​January 1, 2018
​​Statement To Construction Engineer
​January 20, 2023

Surveying and mapping guidelines for airport land projects
Please contact Teresa Klein for sample documents.

July 7, 2016
Vacancy Notice
​November 2, 2020
Warranty Deed
​October 13, 2023
Wisconsin SOP#3 Checklist​September 27, 2016

Wis Relocation Rights - business [Wis Stats 32.185-32.27 & Wis Adm Code Ch 92]

​November 1, 2021
Wis Relocation Rights residential [Wis Stats 32.185-32.27 & Wis Adm Code Ch 92]​September 1, 2018


Revision date

Pre-construction project agendaJanuary 30, 2010
Plan of lighting operationMay 13, 2013
Contract form and contract bond shellJanuary 14, 2020


Revision date

Construction progress and inspection reportAugust 12, 2014
Consultant certification of construction acceptanceJune 13, 2013
Working days weekly statementMay 2, 2013
Contract time statusMay 14, 2013
Weekly progress reportMay 2, 2013
Change order formApril 10​, 2018
Final notice to contractor to complete projectJanuary 9, 2019
Request for extension of contract timeMay 3, 2013
Determination of liquidated damagesMay 3​, 2013
Airport erosion control order formNovember 28, 2018
Erosion control diaryFebruary 7, 2020

Contract forms and invoices

Revision date 

Consultant services general provisionsJuly 10, 2014
Contract for planning servicesDecember 3, 2019
Consultant planning contract invoiceDecember 3, 2019
Contract for Consultant Land ServicesMarch 3, 2022
Consultant land services contract invoiceJuly 7, 2021
Land acquisition project progress reportJuly 27, 2010
Contract for design engineering servicesDecember 3, 2019
Consultant design contract invoiceFebruary 28, 2017
Contract for construction engineering servicesDecember 3, 2019
Consultant construction contract invoiceFebruary 28, 2017
Contract for aerial obstruction survey consultant servicesDecember 3, 2019
Contract for architectural consultant servicesMarch 15, 2022
Consultant architectural contract invoiceMarch 15, 2022
Amendment to consultant contractFebruary 3, 2017

Please dire​ct all questions to the project manager with whom you are working.​​