Where to bike and walk

Bike lanes: A part of the roadway marked off for bicyclists.

Biking: Remember, bik​es are vehicles, so you have to ride in the same direction as other cars and trucks, on the right side of the street.

  • 3 feet rule: Ride your bike on the right half of the roadway, 3 ft. away from the curb or parked cars. Drivers are also required to drive 3 feet away from bikers (you). The idea is to have 3 feet of space on both sides of you, so you have a safety bubble of sorts.


Bicyclist 3 feet away from parked car


Example of car door interfering with bicycle rider.

  • Use your hand signals to tell drivers and other bikers when you are turning or stopping.

  • Remember to pay attention to street signs and stop lights. They are there to protect you and other drivers.


Biker: When on a road without a marked bike lane, continue to follow the rules that you would if there was one.

  • Be predictable and be visible

  • Ride in the same direction as the traffic

  • Ride as close to the curb as practical on the right portion of the road so other vehicles can pass you on the left.

  • Follow the 3 feet rule

  • Pay attention to street signs and stop lights

  • Use your hand signals

  • Wear a helmet

Pedestrian: Don’t walk on the road if there is a sidewalk. A sidewalk should always be used over the road.  If you have to walk on the road, follow these rules:

  • Walk facing traffic, so you can see oncoming cars and bicycles (note: this doesn't apply when biking)

  • Pay attention to street signs and stop lights

  • Always check both ways before crossing

Sidewalks: A place for people to walk.

Note: Please be sure biking on a sidewalk is allowed in your community.

People who are walking have the right of way, which means that they don’t have to move around bikes. Instead, bikes have to move around pedestrians when they come across them on sidewalks or roads.

Biker: When biking on a sidewalk, be careful of other bikers and pedestrians.


Riding bike on sidewalk correct


Riding bike on sidewalk incorrect
  • Passing a pedestrian on a bike: When you need to pass someone, slow down, move to the left, and say “Passing on the left!” or use a bell or horn as you move around them.

  • If you are with a friend, go one at a time.

  • Make sure the person knows you are going to pass them. DO NOT speed up, sharply turn in front of them, or yell at them to move. Sidewalks are shared by both pedestrians and bikers. Be respectful.

  • Passing oncoming biker: When there is another biker on the sidewalk, check to make sure that there are no pedestrians in the way, and then move to the right. DO NOT move to the left.

  • Use your hand signals to tell drivers and other bikers when you are turning or stopping.

  • Remember to pay attention to street signs and stop lights. They are there to protect you.

Pedestrian: When walking on a sidewalk, be careful of other pedestrians.

  • Someone passing on a bike: When a biker is trying to pass you, they are supposed to notify you. However, this does not mean they always will. If you see a bike moving around you, stop to make sure that they don’t run into you or cut in front of you. Be aware of your surroundings at all times.

  • Remember to pay attention to street signs and stop lights. They are there to protect you.


Remember to pay attention to street signs and stop lights. They are there to protect you.