Transportation Budget Trends

The 2022-2023 Transportation Budget Trends report, along with the interactive appropriation spreadsheet, are intended to serve as resources for transportation professionals and those interested in how Wisconsin’s state and federal transportation funds are distributed across all the various transportation modes.

2022-2023 Transportation Budget Trends Cover Sheet 

Appropriation Spreadsheet Example
Budget Trends ReportInteractive Appropriation Spreadsheet

The report provides a narrative on state and federal budget revenues along with a summary of state funding by modal category: state highways, local transportation capital assistance, local transportation aids, department operations, bonding debt service and other state agencies. The spreadsheet allows the user to further explore the budget authority authorized through the biennial budget acts or separate legislative actions by program and appropriation.

To view previous editions of the Transportation Budget Trends report, visit the Wisconsin Digital Archives.


Jim Donlin
Bureau of Budget
(608) 266-9546

Wisconsin Department of Transportation
4822 Madison Yards Way, S9
P.O. Box​ 7910
Madison, WI 53707-7910​