TIME - Regional Meetings

​​To facilitate discussion, build relationships and promote a consistent program statewide, TIME meetings are conducted in each of the five WisDOT Regions.TIME logo

TIME meetings are intended to provide public safety and transportation partners a regular forum for discussing TIM-related issues.​

Typical meeting topics

  • TIME Program initiatives
  • Special events/Construction updates
  • Incident debriefings
  • Practical applications of WisDOT’s Emergency Traffic Control and Scene Management Guidelines: Good Practice or Lesson Learned
  • What’s new in Traffic Incident Management?

Meeting locations and schedule

Please contact TIME Program Manager Mike Jungbluth with any questions.

​Incident Debriefings

Each traffic incident is unique and, as such, one of the most effective ways to enhance quick clearance and improve safety is to regularly debrief incidents that have occurred. The purpose of an incident debriefing is to evaluate the decisions made and actions taken during an incident and to identify best practices and opportunities for improvement. An incident debriefing can be held for any type or size of incident, but it is highly recommended that all major incidents be debriefed.​

Effective debriefings provide a forum in which conflicts and inefficiencies are identified and steps are taken to resolve or eliminate them. Debriefings can also help open lines of communication and foster relationships among responders. It is essential that incident debriefings be multi-agency and multi-discipline and include all agencies and personnel that were involved with the incident, including dispatchers. Incident debriefings can be initiated by any agency involved in the response to an incident and should take place as soon as possible.

The TIME Program Incident Debrief form can be found below. The form is intended to assist agencies in gathering and disseminating incident details and can be completed by any agency involved in the response to a traffic incident.

Incident debrief information sheet