WisDOT Aviation Maintenance and IA Refresher Conference

The 2024 WisDOT Aviation Maintenance and IA Refresher Conference will be held Saturday February 24th, 2024.

Date and Loc​ation:​​ Saturday, February 24, 2024

Radisson Hotel and Conference Center
625 W Rolling Meadows Drive​

Fond du Lac, WI  54937

Draft agenda​ (subjec​t to change with little or no notice)

NewRegistration Information:​ Attendee cost is $35 and registration is required via Eventbrite​​. Sign up before February 18th to avoid a $10 late fee. After purchasing tickets, you should receive a confirmation email from Eventbrite, there is no need to print your tickets. Discounted tickets are available for AMT students. Don’t forget to register on FAASafety.gov to claim your AMT credits there as well, the event should be published there soon. 

Exhibitor List and Information: 2024 exhibitor list
Exhibitor booth space is available for $175 which includes meals for one person. Additional exhibitor tickets are $35. Register via Eventbrite before February 18th or contact us for additional information.

Lodging Information: A block of rooms has been reserved at the Radisson Hotel for $98 per night. To reserve a room at the block rate call (920) 923-1440 and say you are with the WisDOT Aviation Maintenance & IA Refresher Conference. There are additional hotels in the area as well. ​

Exhibitors list and information​​

Course Information: 8 hours of FAA approved AMT and IA refresher credit.

2023 WisDOT IA COURSE NUMBER: C-IND-IM-181217-K-014-006 Fond du Lac, WI 2/25/2023
2024 WisDOT IA COURSE NUMBER: C-IND-IM-181217-K-014-006 Fond du Lac, WI 2/24/2024

If you are unable to make our conference, here are ​additional training options​, FAASafety.gov​ and other websites, many of which are free. 

P​ro Tips maintenance webinars every third Wednesday. Go to FAASafety.gov​ and search for “Pro Tips” webinars to register.

Wisconsin IA Renewal Instructions:

Requirements for IA Renewal, due before March 31st on odd years (2023, 2025, etc.) are found in FAR §65.93

If your address has chan​ged since the last seminar, please be sure to update the FAA database.

For furthe​r information, contact:

Levi Eastlick, levi.eastlick@dot.wi.gov, (608) 267-5018

Updated: 1/17​/2023