I-94 Corridor Study - History

The following studies document needs within the I-94 corridor:

  • 2005 - Standards evaluation and location study: WIS 35 to WIS 65
  • 2007 - Value engineering study: WIS 35 to County BB
  • 2009 - Standards evaluation and location study: WIS 65 to County BB
  • 2011 - Statewide operational assessment: Hudson to Milwaukee
  • 2013 - WIS 65 interchange: Mainline constructed to allow future 3rd lane
  • 2013 - Pavement repair and interchange study: WIS 35 to US 12
  • 2014 - The Transportation Projects Commission recommended the expansion of I-94 between US 12 and WIS 65 by adding a third lane for enumeration. However, it wasn't ultimately enumerated for construction in the state budget.
  • 2020: WisDOT reevaluated the traffic growth in this area. Traffic volumes were lower than forecasted, and the need for expansion was pushed out.