TraCS committees

​Forms Advisory Committee​

The Forms Advisory Committee was created in the fall of 2006. Volunteers for the team are solicited at the Badger TraCS Users Conference each year. The purpose of this committee is to consult, collaborate and recommend enhancements to the Badger TraCS suite of forms. This committee will provide recommendations for future TraCS development and new forms prioritization to the Wisconsin TraCS Steering Committee. Final approval on development priorities will come from the Wisconsin TraCS Steering Committee.

Team members include Badger TraCS developers, form sponsors and representatives from each law enforcement discipline, e.g. local, county, state, throughout the state. The team meets quarterly and has committed to serve a 2-year term. 

Law enforcement agencies may contact any Forms Advisory Committee member or Badger TraCS to suggest new forms or enhancements.  

Wisconsin TraCS Steering Committee

In November 2002, the Wisconsin TraCS Steering Committee was formed. Membership includes representatives from WisDOT’s Division of Motor Vehicles; Division of State Patrol, Bureau of Transportation Safety; Division of Business Management, Bureau of Information Technology Services; Office of Justice Assistance and Department of Administration.

The committee meets semi-annually to discuss funding availability, program expansion, outreach, training, support issues and new form development.

The mission of the Wisconsin TraCS Steering Committee is to facilitate implementation of TraCS across state and local agencies in Wisconsin by coordinating the development of TraCS forms. 

Forms development and support is centralized in the Division of Motor Vehicles/Citations and Withdrawals Section.

National Model Steering Committee​

The National Model Steering Committee is comprised of representatives from all states licensed to use TraCS. Other interested states are invited to participate as well. Federal agencies such as National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) are also represented. Meetings are held semi-annually to provide state updates, share successes and failures, discuss funding and maintenance issues, enhancements, new versions, releases and progress of TraCS 10 rewrite. Each licensed state is typically represented by a program manager and a technical manager.

The state of Iowa owns the source code for TraCS and provides royalty-free licensing to each state licensed to use TraCS. Iowa provides the state license holder with a list of serial numbers that are used to install TraCS and to build forms. In Wisconsin, WisDOT's Citations and Withdrawals Section in the Bureau of Driver Services, Division of Motor Vehicles, is the license holder.

Traffic and Criminal Software