Don’t miss your chance to become a Wisconsin State Patrol trooper or inspector, one week left to apply

Deadline for application: January 19, 2025

Release date: January 13, 2025

Now is the time to apply to become a Wisconsin State Patrol trooper or inspector. The deadline for applications to join the 71st and 72nd Recruit Classes is Jan. 19, 2025. The Wisconsin State Patrol accepts in-state and out-of-state applicants who are new to law enforcement or have previous experience. Applications for troopers and inspectors open once a year during the Wisconsin State Patrol’s annual recruitment period which began in October and ends this Sunday.

“Pursuing a career with the State Patrol comes with great reward,” said Wisconsin State Patrol Superintendent Tim Carnahan. “The role of a State Patrol officer extends beyond highway safety. Citizens across the state count on the State Patrol to serve and protect their communities. We are looking for people to join our team that are passionate about giving back and will strive to uphold our core values and state laws. Don’t hesitate, apply today.”

Wisconsin State Patrol is a statewide, multi-role law enforcement agency whose mission is to provide exceptional public safety services, which include transportation safety, criminal enforcement and specialized technical and tactical support to municipal, county, state and federal partner organizations.

In addition to enforcing traffic and criminal laws across Wisconsin, State Patrol officers may serve in specialized roles including pilots, K-9 officers, crash reconstruction experts, and commercial motor vehicle inspectors. Other special units focus on combatting human trafficking and drug interdiction, and services like Honor Guard and dignitary protection.

Requirements and training

Qualified candidates must pass physical readiness tests, a background investigation, interview, and pre-employment medical and psychological exams.

Applicants accepted into the State Patrol Academy at Fort McCoy receive a salary plus meals and lodging during their training. Taught by Wisconsin Department of Justice (DOJ) Training and Standards certified instructors, cadets learn from experienced officers with the goal of strengthening communication skills, self-confidence and physical capabilities.

The State Patrol’s 71st Recruit Class will begin training at the Academy on July 14, 2025. This traditional recruit class is for individuals new to or with limited experience in law enforcement. After graduating from the State Patrol Academy, new troopers and inspectors are assigned to one of the five State Patrol regions where they will receive 12 additional weeks of on-the-job field training.

The 72nd Recruit Class is for individuals who have been certified and employed as law enforcement officers. Recruits complete an accelerated training program that begins at the State Patrol Academy on July 28, 2025. The class rotates between training at the Academy and training in the field until 18 weeks have been completed.

Members of the 71st and 72nd Recruit Classes will be sworn in and receive their badges at the Wisconsin State Patrol Graduation Ceremony on November 21, 2025. The new troopers and inspectors are then assigned to counties throughout the state to enforce traffic laws and keep Wisconsin’s highways safe.

Applicants must have a two-year associate degree or a minimum of 60 college-level credits prior to starting at the Academy. Up to 60 credits may be waived for individuals with relevant training or military experience.

For more information, visit or contact your local State Patrol post and ask to talk with a recruiter.

For more information, contact:

WisDOT Office of Public Affairs
(608) 266-3581,