Connected and Automated Vehicles

“We're already seeing the transformative impacts of connected and automated vehicle (CAV) technology on our transportation system through driver assistance features in passenger and freight vehicles. This technology is here to stay and will continue moving forward as new innovations are developed. This is an exciting time as we look to see how CAV can help us reduce crashes and injuries and improve traffic congestion, but we must make sure we're prepared to adopt these technologies safely and efficiently so we can best meet the needs of Wisconsin's economy and communities."
– Secretary Kristina Boardman

Current Legal Status of Automated, Autonomous, or Self-Driving Vehicles

Wisconsin state law currently requires an operator to be behind the wheel and in physical control of a vehicle at all times while driving on Wisconsin roadways.

As with any other vehicle that is operated on the roadway, the operator or owner is responsible for the appropriate and safe operation of the vehicle while driving it. This includes the use of any technology the vehicle is equipped with, any malfunctions of the vehicle, and adherence with current state law and the Rules-of-the-Road.

Connected Automated Vehicle Connected Automated Vehicle


Brad Basten
Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Division of Budget and Strategic Initiatives
(608) 266-0786​