Wisconsin State Airport System Plan 2030
Final plan
Public involvement
Wisconsin State Airport System Plan 2030 and its accompanying System-Plan Environmental Evaluation (SEE) is the statewide long-range airport transportation plan. The 20-year plan builds off the policies and issues identified in Connections 2030, Wisconsin’s statewide long-range transportation plan adopted in October 2009.
Wisconsin’s State Airport System Plan identifies a system of 97 public-use airports adequate to meet different aviation needs in all parts of the state, and is a guide for federal and state investment decisions. The identification of potential projects in this plan is not a commitment for federal or state project funding, nor does it provide project justification. Prior to project implementation all projects must be justified through the local master planning and environmental process, and approved by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation and Federal Aviation Administration, when appropriate. The plan includes a statewide vision for aviation, an overview and analysis of the state’s system of airports, a SEE, and an environmental justice analysis.
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) officially adopted Wisconsin State Airport System Plan 2030 on February 19, 2015. It includes nine chapters with supporting materials included as appendices. The plan can be downloaded by chapter through the final plan link on the left side of this page.
For more information, contact:
Brandon Benjamin, brandon.benjamin@dot.wi.gov, Bureau of Aeronautics
(608) 267- 5256