An operator may apply for a no-fee permit for an Implement of Husbandry (IoH) or Agricultural Commercial Motor Vehicle (Ag CMV) that exceeds weight and length limits. Review the definitions as well as the weight and length limits on the
IoH and
Ag CMV pages.
Applying for a no-fee permit:
Step 1: Check the weight and length limits on the
IoH and
Ag CMV pages. Also check the
weight table for gross vehicle weight limitations based on the axle configuration of your vehicle or, vehicle combination.
- If you are over the weight and length limits and traveling on state roads, you will need to submit a permit application to the state. Proceed to Step 2.
- If you are over the weight and length limits and traveling on local (village, town, city, county) roads, check
Resolutions and ordinances page to determine if a permit is needed to operate on the local roads you've identified. Once you have determined that you need a permit from a local Maintaining Authority, proceed to Step 2.
- NOTE: You may need permits from both the state and your local maintaining authority.
Step 2: Access the
"No Fee Permit Application for All Self Propelled, Towed or Attached Implements of Husbandry and Agricultural Commercial Motor Vehicles" (MV2578). Open the
Sample Permit Application for reference.
Step 3: Complete Application.
Part A: Identifies the applicant/operator and the routes the operator will run.
The application asks you to describe your routes of operation. Routes can either be written out or a map can be attached with the roads clearly marked or highlighted. If you are unsure of your routes, it is best to indicate all roads that you anticipate traveling on.
If you are applying for a permit to operate on a state road: Your beginning and endpoints should be indicated in relation to the nearest state or county highway intersection (for example: state on WI-82 from CTHX, going north to Sunset Road); OR provide a map that clearly identifies each segment of state highway from the intersection with a state or county highway nearest your beginning and end points clearly marked, for which you are seeking a permit.
If you are applying for a permit to operate on a local road: Please list each segment of county, town or local road including letter or name and beginning and end points for which you are seeking a permit; OR provide a map that clearly identifies each segment of county, town or local road with the beginning and end points clearly marked for which you are seeking a permit.
Certain bridges and roads are restricted. Please refer to the lists and maps linked below for updated information regarding restrictions.
Part B: Asks the applicant to do the following:
- Identify permit type needed (vehicles exceed weight or length limits),
- Provide details of vehicle information (make, model number, number of axels, etc.),
- Provide details of vehicles length and weight measurements (including gross weight, weight per axle and axle measurements), and
- Provide trip frequency and use information.
Part CMV2578C This form is used
only for permit applications going to local authorities. Include a blank copy of this form when submitting Application Parts A and B to those authorities.
For equipment information on a specific vehicle, please call your local equipment dealer. Wisconsin law requires dealers to disclose unladed weights at time and point of sale.
To assist you in completing the vehicle measurements section of the form, please refer to the diagrams below:
View larger image of vehicle and axle measurements
Step 4: Submit completed application to proper authority. If submitting to a local maintaining authority, please include a copy of
MV2578c. The maintaining authority shall respond with its decision within 3 weeks of receipt of a completed application. Once approved, permits must be carried in authorized vehicle in electronic or paper format.
Prohibited bridge and road maps (updated June 1, September 1, December 1 and March 1)
Renewals and amendments
State no-fee permits automatically renew each year, unless there is a material change to the roadway for which the permit applies. WisDOT may contact applicants to resubmit applications as necessary. Applicants do not need to resubmit permit applications unless there is a change to the applicant's information or route, or a request for additional routes.
If a state no-fee permit needs to be amended due to change in information or route, the applicant can request an amended permit, using form
Applicants should contact their local maintaining authorities regarding renewals and amendments to local permits.