Support for municipal parking authorities

Traffic Violation and Registration Program (TVRP)

​The Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) administers the Traffic Violation and Registration Program (TVRP) which was created to help local authorities and courts collect unpaid parking tickets, non-moving traffic forfeiture judgments and towing and storage fees. DMV charges a small fee to authorities and courts that participate in TVRP. The authority may add this fee to the amount due for the unpaid citation, judgment, or towing and storage fees.

  • An authority issuing a parking ticket will send two notices to the registered owner of the vehicle.
  • If, after 28 days, the judgment or towing and storage fees remain unpaid or the defendant does not appear in court, the issuing agency may tell the DMV to suspend the registration of the vehicle involved in the unpaid parking ticket and/or refuse registration for all vehicles registered to the same owner.
    • A suspended registration means it is illegal to operate the vehicle
    • A refused registration means operation of a vehicle may be legal if the registration is not suspended or expired, but the person may not:
      • Renew the registration of any vehicle
      • Register another vehicle
      • Change the registration of any vehicle
      • Obtain replacement license plates for any vehicle
      • Transfer registration to another vehicle
  • The authority will submit suspension or refusal information to DMV through the online portal or by mail or fax.
    • The online system allows real-time updates, decreased staff time and improves customer satisfaction, and costs $3.
    • Paper submission will take up to 4 weeks to process and cost $5 per submission.
  • Customer will receive a letter from DMV informing them of the action taken.
  • After the customer has submitted payment
    • Online: authority will access citation, note satisfied, and suspension will be removed in real time
    • Paper: authority will mail/fax information to DMV that citation has been satisfied (7-10 business days); DMV will process citation and remove the suspension within 1 business day

Participants in DMV’s TVRP online program receive real-time updates, improve customer satisfaction and cost $3.

  • Create and activate a WAMS User ID - view the video
    • Each individual user needs their own user ID and must request their own access.
    • Register yourself with the State of Wisconsin Web Access Management System (WAMS) at We suggest you make your ID and password something you can easily remember. You must maintain your password at the site. You must register as an individual and the Applicant Name on the access agreement must match the user ID name.
    • WAMS will then send you an email verifying your registration. The notification will also tell you how to activate your ID. Please read this email and follow the instructions.
    • Review the TVRP online users manual or watch this tutorial.

TRIP is administered by the Wisconsin Department of Revenue (DOR). It allows state agencies, counties and municipalities to collect debts from taxpayers/customers who are due to receive state or federal income tax refunds. TRIP may be used by parking authorities to collect fees related to unpaid parking tickets, traffic forfeiture judgments and towing and storage fees.

When a customer files their federal or state income tax return and a refund is due, the parking authority may collect unpaid parking citations, court judgments or towing/storage fees due from the amount of the individual’s income tax refund(s).

The customer receives a Notice of Refund Offset from DOR explaining that their refund was applied to their debt. It also says that the authority may not get the money for a month or more. After the authority receives payment, the usual seven to 10 day period applies to remove the TVRP suspension and/or refusal.

For more information, call DOR’s Central Collections Section at (608) 266-7879, option 1.

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