Elkhorn wholesale dealer license revoked for odometer and title fraud

Release date: July 29, 2024

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) revoked the wholesale dealer license for KKeyz Automotive LLC, 735 N. Wisconsin St. #135, Elkhorn, for violating state law when they sold motor vehicles directly to consumers, rolled back odometers on vehicles and falsified title documents when selling vehicles to customers. 

Due to the nature of the violations, the department took immediate action revoking the license effective May 22, 2024. The decision to revoke the license was upheld by a WisDOT hearing on June 27, 2024. Dealers are given 30 days to appeal a revocation. KKeyz Automotive did not appeal and the decision is final.

WisDOT’s Dealer and Agent Section licenses, regulates and resolves disputes about dealership sales and warranty repairs. It also investigates complaints about odometer tampering and title fraud involving dealerships and private sellers.

For more information, contact:

WisDOT Office of Public Affairs
(608) 266-3581, opa.exec@dot.wi.gov