State and county partnership helped more than 80 individuals find reliable housing
Release date: October 14, 2024
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT), with support from Milwaukee city and county officials today announced the indefinite closure of two park and ride lots and partial closure of another park and ride lot in Milwaukee County due to declining safety conditions. Over the past year, WisDOT and partners have worked to find housing solutions for the growing number of people living in their vehicles and in encampments in the park and ride lots at I-43/94 and Holt Avenue and I-43/94 at County ZZ (College Avenue).
To date, Milwaukee County Housing Services have found safer and more suitable housing for more than 80 individuals. Despite those successful efforts, more individuals continue to enter the lots. The environments continue to degrade and become less safe every day. First responders including law enforcement, fire service personnel and paramedics are responding to a heightened number of emergency calls regarding dangerous and unsafe activity in and around the lots.
Between July 1 and September 30, 2024, Milwaukee city and county law enforcement responded to a combined 275 calls for service, a nearly 42% increase over the same time period in 2023. Officers are responding to increased reports of assault, theft and subjects with weapons. Other recently reported incidents causing law enforcement response include robbery, shots fired and drug overdoses. It has become clear that the current conditions are unsustainable.
In recent months, WisDOT and partners have worked with individuals in the lots to inform them of the need to vacate per
Wisconsin State Statute 86.025. It’s illegal in Wisconsin to camp on public highways or adjacent rights-of-way. WisDOT leadership understands homelessness is a nationwide concern that requires care and compassion to solve. That’s why the agency and partners have expended resources to respectfully rehouse individuals living in the park and rides. As conditions continue to deteriorate, WisDOT has made the difficult decision to close the Holt Avenue lot, the northeast College Avenue lot and portions of the southwest College Avenue lot.
"Public safety is first and foremost," WisDOT Assistant Deputy Secretary Joel Nilsestuen said. “Park and ride lots are not safe or suitable places for anyone to live. We’ve worked closely with our partners to connect individuals with available resources and relocate them to safer situations. We do not take this action lightly, but we recognize the importance of doing what’s right for the safety of the people in the park and rides, the traveling public and nearby communities.”
Effective Monday, October 21, WisDOT will close the Holt Avenue lot. The northeast College Avenue lot and portions of the southwest College Avenue lot will close soon after. A small area of the southwest College Avenue lot will remain open to serve transit riders. Concrete barrier walls and fencing will be placed around the lots. Individuals will have the ability to leave but will not be able to enter the lots. WisDOT staff and partners are evaluating actions that will allow other park and ride locations to remain open for their intended use. Plans for reconfiguration at other park and ride lots and increased monitoring are underway.
"We are concerned for the safety of those choosing to live in these lots, as well as for the safety of the surrounding community," Wisconsin State Patrol Superintendent Tim Carnahan said. "The reported incidents happening inside of these encampments and nearby neighborhoods are unacceptable. We are dedicated to protecting the public, and in doing so, we must do what's necessary to ensure everyone's safety."
“As one of the partners in this effort, the Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Office shares WisDOT’s concerns regarding the safety of those who are unhoused and have resided in park and ride lots,” Milwaukee County Sheriff Denita Ball said. "It is our desire that they utilize the services and resources being offered by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). Further, it is our mandate to protect all within Milwaukee County, and in this case, it means helping to ensure the safe removal and relocation of encampments and vehicles from these lots."
WisDOT continues to work with the Milwaukee County Transit System to assist transit users who park in the Holt Avenue lot and ride buses to their destination. Signage will be placed at the lot and rider outreach will take place to inform them of the service changes. More information about Milwaukee County transit options can be found at:
Local homeless outreach and service organizations will continue to work with individuals to discuss safer and more suitable living environments.
For more information, contact:
WisDOT Office of Public Affairs
(608) 266-3581,