Annual Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Workshop and Networking Summit

Man speaking on a stage in front of a crowd

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Golden Shovel Awards on a table

Golden Shovel nominations

Nominate an individual, firm, or agency for outstanding work implementing the DBE program.

Two women seated behind an exhibit booth

More details on summit

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A blue dump truck on a construction site.

DBE program

Apply to be a DBE, supportive services, resources for contractors, trucking and more.

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) hosts the Annual DBE Workshop and Networking Summit to engage highway contractors, consultants, subcontractors and laborers in effective communications and teambuilding interactions that lead to a diverse and equitable highway contracting environment.

The Secretary’s Golden Shovel awards presented during the Annual DBE Summit Awards Luncheon are designed to recognize exemplary efforts and actions in the implementation of DBE Program principles and desired outcomes. Each year hundreds of contractors and consultants participated in the development of WisDOT projects across the state. The Golden Shovel award recognizes nominated contractors, consultants, and agencies that have gone above and beyond contractual obligations by focusing on nondiscrimination, business development efforts, compliance procedures and fair and equitable access.