Signals and ITS Standalone Program (SISP)

The Signals and ITS Standalone Program (SISP) funds traffic signals and intelligent transportation systems (ITS) projects not incidental to other highway improvement projects.

The SISP funds are available for standalone projects with greater than 50% cost associated with traffic signal or ITS hardware and construction. All state (including Interstate) and connecting highways are eligible for program funds. Statewide or State maintained facility projects are eligible for full program funds. Those projects on connecting highways are eligible for 90% program funds with a 10% cost sharing component from the requesting agency (Connecting Highway Authority - CHA).

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) is currently accepting completed SISP applications. The Signals and ITS Standalone Program applications are evaluated and awarded on a biannual cycle. Project applications are evaluated each spring and fall, resulting in project awards for future fiscal years. Applications should be submitted to the appropriate WisDOT SISP Regional Liaison. SISP Regional Liaisons are also available to help answer any questions requesting agencies have about the SISP or the application process.


SISP Program Manager

For General Program Information
Bureau of Transportation Operations
Todd Szymkowski
(414) 227-3125

SISP Regional Liaisons

North Central Region
Kelly Blohm
(715) 421-7392

Northeast Region
Kimberly Bradley
(920) 492-4174

Northwest Region
Jesse Larson
(715) 491-1470

Southwest Region
Lindsey Heineck
(608) 246-3866

Southeast Region
Jarrett Gates
(262) 548-5894​