US 51, between Iron Street and US 2, Iron County


US 51, between Iron Street and US 2 in Hurley, Iron County


The project includes removing the existing asphalt pavement and replacing with new hot mix asphalt. The existing curb & gutter will be replaced. Curb ramps will be reconstructed to meet ADA standards to the maximum extent practical.

Traffic Impacts

During construction, US 51 will remain open to through traffic, but may be limited to one lane during daytime with the use of flaggers. Parking lanes along US 51 will be closed during replacement of curb & gutter. Staged sidewalk closures and/or pedestrian detours will also be necessary during curb ramp construction.


Local officials meeting: June 2020

Public involvement: July 2020

Complete final design: August 2022

Construction currently scheduled for Summer 2024.


Nick Vos, Project Manager
(715) 365-5782

Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT)
North Central Region, Wisconsin Rapids Office
510 Hanson Lake Road
Rhinelander, WI 54501
Phone: (715) 365-3490
Fax: (715) 365-5780
TTY: 711