Highway Construction Skills Training (HCST)

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An HCST student during training.Are you interested in a good-paying job in highway construction?

Are you from an established construction firm looking for new talent?

HCST is a six week intensive training program that prepares workers for careers in the road construction industry. HCST also works with program graduates to find employment and ensure their continued success.

The HCST program works to create opportunity for groups historically underrepresented in the construction industry, including women and people of color.

Highway Construction Skills Training, Certified Pre-ApprenticeshipAbout HCST

HCST was previously called the Transportation Alliance for New Solutions (TrANS). The program was renamed in February of 2023.

More than 50 Wisconsin contractors have hired program graduates. Over 1,000 HCST graduates have been placed with employers as laborers or apprentices.