Aggregate Technical Committee
Purpose — Collaborate with Wisconsin aggregate producers and contractors to:
- resolve statewide aggregate issues;
- create improvements to construction quality programs for aggregates;
- share new initiatives to improve the quality of Wisconsin construction projects.
Check out the
committee charter.
Tirupan Mandal with questions about the Aggregate Technical Committee.
Concrete Technical Committee
Purpose — Bring together stakeholders in Wisconsin concrete community to:
- identify and resolve statewide concrete pavement, ancillary and bridge construction issues;
- identify and create improvements to the concrete construction program;
- share new initiatives with industry and stakeholders.
Check out the committee charter.
Tirupan Mandal with questions about the Concrete Technical Committee.
Grading, Landscaping and Sewer Technical Committee
Purpose — Collaborate with Wisconsin contractors, suppliers and consultants to:
- evaluate and identify specific improvement opportunities for WisDOT’s specifications, policies and procedures related to the design and construction of grading/landscaping/sewer items on highway and bridge transportation projects;
- review and develop broader statewide policy and programs in these identified areas;
- share and develop new initiatives to improve the quality and economy of Wisconsin construction projects and transportation assets.
Check out the
committee charter.
Dave Staab with questions about the Grading, Landscaping and Sewer Technical Committee.
Hot Mix Asphalt Technical Committee
Purpose — Routinely meet and discuss issues pertaining to the materials and construction of quality HMA pavements to:
- address any issues and concerns with a perspective of technical expertise;
- seek solutions that enhance pavement performance combined with economic efficiencies;
- continue to evaluate new ideas, establish new standards and accept challenges to raise the level of product performance.
Check out the
committee charter.
Casey Wierzchowski with questions about the Hot Mix Asphalt Technical Committee.
Ride Technical Committee
Purpose — Bring together stakeholders in Wisconsin concrete community to:
- address ride issues pertaining to both pavement industries and general profiling requirements;
- help ensure profiling requirements stay up to date and reflect latest equipment to collect accurate data that best reflect the actual ride quality of our pavements;
- identify issues and factors affecting ride quality, evaluate alternative options and identify best practices to minimize or eliminate negative impacts to final ride quality.
Myungook Kang with questions about the Ride Technical Committee.