Real property title searches

WisDOT real estate title searchs
WisDOT real estate title searches

This page contains a listing of statewide real property (real estate) title search companies under contract with WisDOT to perform title search activities involving highway right of way. These contracts and this information is for WisDOT staff, consultants and local public agency staff use only. We strongly encourage WisDOT staff, consultants and local public agencies (LPAs) to use this list of title search companies when securing services during the design phase of engineering and for all eminent domain real estate acquisition activities. This contract agreement will remain in place until further notice.

Staff and consultants should reference the WisDOT Real Estate Program Manual (REPM) for detailed guidance on processes and procedures for obtaining title to highway real estate free and clear of all liens and encumbrances. The REPM provides guidance on chain of title issues, rights and interests, ownership issues, title transfers (grantee/grantor), signature authority, and recording/filing questions specific to WisDOT real estate transactions.

For personal assistance, guidance, and advice specific to WisDOT/Real Estate title search activities, contact:

  • Regional Real Estate or Purchasing staff
  • Statewide Acquisition/Litigation Coordinator Karley Kvapil
    WisDOT/Division of Transportation Systems Development
    Bureau of Technical Services - Real Estate (BTS-RE)

For questions specific to WisDOT/Real Estate title search contact, also try:

  • Statewide Program & Policy Coordinator Nathan Walters
    WisDOT/Division of Transportation Systems Development
    Bureau of Technical Services ;- Real Estate (BTS-RE)

For general questions about purchasing rules and this contract grouping, contact WisDOT/Purchasing.

For local public agency use of this contract list, contact your regional Real Estate Project Manager (LPREPM).