Special provisions

Standardized Special Provisions (STSP) for engineering design

A contract's Special Provisions includes special directions or project specific requirements that are not otherwise stated explicitly in the department's current edition of the Standard Specifications for Highway and Structure Construction.

The Bureau of Project Development maintains the standardized special provisions (STSPs), which are used in the special provisions. The STSPs are available to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) staff, eligible engineering consultants, and to city, county and municipal engineering staff.

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If you have difficulties or questions about subscribing, email the Proposal Management Section.

Available files

All files updated as of July 3, 2024, unless noted otherwise.

DT1502 - Highway work proposal form. (June 29, 2020)

STSP log - Most recent listing of STSP that have been changed, added or deleted.

STSP log archives - Past listing of STSP that have been changed, added or deleted:

Index - Spreadsheet to select appropriate STSP to create special provisions.

New STSP template - STSP template for creating special provisions containing all STSP as building blocks. Begin using on projects with a bid letting of November 2024 or later. STSPs correspond with the 2025 standard specifications.

STSP articles (read only file) - All of the current STSP articles and text for each button on the three custom buttons are contained in this file. PDF Note - This file is in Adobe Acrobat version 7.0
Note - Do NOT copy from this document. It is for read-only purposes.

Plan letter - Template for completing the plan letter that accompanies all plans, specifications and estimates (PS&E) transmittals, including both let and negotiated contract. Effective with the May 1, 2023 PS&E e-submittals, version 11.1 of the plan letter must be used. (April 7, 2023)

Special provisions insert - Document for submitting changes to a special provisions document after the PS&E submittal. (March 31, 2021)

Insert guidelines - Guidelines for creating an insert. (June 29, 2020)

Creating special provisions manual (June 29, 2020)

Addressing Frequent Special Provision Comments – Guidelines to prevent common review comments during Special Provision review by the Proposal Management Section. (January 13, 2023)

For more information

Contact Rielly O’Donnell at (608) 266-3721 or rielly.odonnell@dot.wi.gov for questions on accessing or using the files.