Local Bridge Improvement Assistance

The Local Bridge Improvement Assistance Program helps rehabilitate and replace, on a cost-shared basis, the most seriously deficient existing local bridges on Wisconsin's local highway systems.​

2024-2029 Program Cycle Awards

​2024-2029 Program Cycle Documents (Application deadline was October 27, 2023.)

  • Instructions
  • Application
  • Guidelines​
Bridge Guidance​

The Template Reports linked below provide applicants with the tools to prepare Bridge Rehabilitation Reports without consultant assistance. More complex projects may require consultants.

Important Notes:

  • Final applications were due to the Regional Office on October 27, 2023.
  • Contact your Regional Local Program Manager for information regarding these applications.
  • If the improvement type is a Bridge Rehabilitation, a copy of the Rehabilitation Report that was approved by the Bureau of Structures (BOS) is required to be submitted with the application. Submitting the Bridge Rehabilitation Report to the BOS by August 18, 2023, will ensure that the state review will be complete by the October 27 due date for the application.
  • Beginning this program cycle, federal participation will be capped at $6 million per local bridge program project.
  • Non-federal aid, off-system bridges will be funded with 100% federal dollars for both design and construction (up to $6 million).

​Counties, cities, villages, and towns are eligible for rehabilitation funding on bridges with sufficiency ratings of 80 or less, and replacement funding on bridges with sufficiency ratings less than 50. If the sufficiency rating is greater than 50, a bridge replacement project may be approved if the Rehabilitation Report demonstrates that a bridge replacement is more cost effective than a rehabilitation.

If a bridge has a sufficiency rating above 50, a bridge replacement project may be approved if the rehabilitation report demonstrates that bridge replacement is more cost effective than rehabilitation. WisDOT Structures Asset Management has pre-determined a subset of local bridges that fall into this category, and this is shown on the Eligible Bridge List. For these cases, a template rehabilitation report may be used in lieu of a standard rehabilitation report.

For 2024-2029 program development, total funds available are anticipated to be significantly greater than previous program cycles. The amount will be based on anticipated federal local program levels for fiscal years 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028 and 2029. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law has significantly increased program funding levels. Program funding levels will be updated as necessary pending state biennial budget changes and federal reauthorization.

Change Management

Regional local program contacts:​

​​​​Southwest Region
Brandi Workman
Phone: (608) 785-9047
Fax: (608) 246-3819

Southeast Region
Tyler Beinlich
Phone: (262) 548-5856
Fax: (262) 521-4425

Northeast Region
Alex Dums
Phone: (920) 492-5707
Fax: (920) 492-5711​

North Central Region
Evan Maves
Phone: (715) 365-5778
Fax: (715) 365-5780

Northwest Region
Randy Kirk​
Phone: (715) 392-7860
Fax: (715) 635-2309​​

​Statewide program contact
Izzy Schultze
Phone: (608) 267-6843​

Related information: