Surface Transportation Program - Local

The Surface Transportation Program - Local (STP-L) allocates federal funds to complete a variety of improvements to off-system roadways functionally classified a a rural minor collector or local road.

The objective of STP-L is to improve non​-federal aid roadway​s outside of urbanized areas. Projects must me​et federal and state requirements.

Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2025 Program Cycle ​Awards

2024-2029 Program Cycle Awards​

Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2025 Program Cycle Documents (Application deadline was April 5, 2024.)

Important Notes:

  • Final Applications were due to the Central Office on April 5, 2024.
  • Contact the Local Program Manager for information regarding these applications.

This Federal Fiscal Year 2025 STP-Local solicitation is for one year of funding totaling approximately $2 million​ for construction only projects. Design activities will be 100% local funded. Projects are capped at $500,000 federal funds, with a project minimum of $250,000 federal funds. The selected projects from this solicitation will be simple, non-controversial projects that have no apparent environmental issues. It is anticipated that there will be no right of way, utility or railroad conflicts. This will allow for the PS&E no later than August 1, 2025 and the project let no later than November 11, 2025.​

​Change Management

Regional local program contacts:​

​​​​Southwest Region
Brandi Workman
Phone: (608) 785-9047
Fax: (608) 246-3819

Southeast Region
Tyler Beinlich​
Phone: (262) 548-5856
Fax: (262) 521-4425

Northeast Region
Alex Dums
Phone: (920) 492-5707
Fax: (920) 492-5711​

North Central Region
Evan Maves​
Phone: (715) 365-5778
Fax: (715) 365-5780

Northwest Region
Randy Kirk​
Phone: (715) 392-7860
Fax: (715) 635-2309​​

​​Statewide program contact​
Izzy Schultze​
Phone: (608) 267-6843

Related information:​