The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) holds active contracts with several vendors for minivans, minibuses, medium and large buses. If you have an open capital grant agreement with WisDOT that includes a line item for one or more of these vehicles types, you are eligible to purchase off of these WisDOT contracts.
Please review your capital contract(s) to verify that it includes the necessary line item(s) and the amount of funds that are available to you. If you have any open contracts, you are encouraged to utilize the WisDOT human service vehicle contracts prior to their expiration. Grants need to be utilized to avoid any risk of lapsing funds.
2023-2024 WisDOT Human Service Vehicle Procurement
Before procurements are initiated, work with the WisDOT Transit Procurement Manager to ensure appropriate procurement steps are followed.
Bid documents
Ordering information