Do you have a low-income and need assistance getting to work or to post high school job training or educational opportunities? See this list of contacts in your county who may be able to help.
Wisconsin Employment Transportation Assistance Program is open for applications for 2025 from September 24 to November 4, 2024
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) is pleased to sponsor the Wisconsin Employment Transportation Assistance Program (WETAP). This is an annual competitive grant program combining state and federal funding sources into one coordinated program to help community organizations address transportation needs for low-income workers. Lack of transportation is a significant barrier to getting and keeping jobs for low-income workers. Improving transportation options can improve the economic outcomes for these workers.
The WETAP program focuses on funding activities that support the following:
New or expanded transportation services that address the employment-related transportation needs of eligible low-income workers
Shared solutions such as ridesharing, public transportation expansion, vanpools, or carpools
Individual solutions, such as car repair or used car loan programs
Coordinated transportation solutions based on a local planning process involving local stakeholder in order to address service gaps and avoid duplication
This program is funded in part by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), state funds from the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development and state funds from WisDOT.
Details about the grant requirements and application process for calendar year 2025 are available in the CY2025 Application Guidelines.
Contact the program manager at to receive application materials and with any questions.
Maps and contacts
History of WETAP grant awards
WETAP Program Manager
(608) 266-9400