WIS 13, 26th Road to WIS 98


WIS 13, 26th Road to WIS 98, between Spencer and Marshfield


The existing pavement on WIS 13 between Marshfield and Spencer is experiencing deterioration. Proposed improvements include a resurfacing and sidewalk curb ramp reconstruction.

Traffic Impacts

Motorists can expect temporary single lane closures with flaggers at each end of the work zone. At the end of the work day, the roadway will be open to traffic.

Real Estate

Minor temporary and permanent real estate impacts are anticipated at intersection corners where existing right-of-way is close to pedestrian curb ramps being replaced. The impacts are not expected to affect the use of the adjacent properties.

Rights of Landowners Under Wis Eminent Domain Law [Wis Stats 32.05]

Public Involvement

Residents and businesses within the project limits have been contacted via mail.

Project maps:


Complete project design: November 2022
Construction: Spring/Summer 2024


Preston Bohn, Project Manager
(715) 421-7382

Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT)
North Central Region, Wisconsin Rapids Office
1681 Second Ave. South
Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54495-4768
Phone: (715) 421-8302
Fax: (715) 423-0334
WI Telecommunications Relay System TTY: 711
Email: ncr.dtsd@dot.wi.gov