I-94 (County O to County EW), town of Millston and town of Lincoln - Jackson and Monroe counties


The project limits on westbound I-94 begin at County O in the Jackson County town of Millston, continue through the Monroe County towns of Grant and Lincoln and the village of Warrens and end at County EW.


The pavement condition and other roadside features are showing signs of deterioration. To combat these, WisDOT is proposing:

  • Replacing select culverts and completing repairs/cleaning where required.
  • Adding stone to prevent erosion at the outlet at Rudd Creek.
  • Replacing guardrail to meet current standards.
  • Replacing fence along westbound I-94, including measures to address safe wildlife movement.
  • Installing ramp gates at County EW entrance ramps.
  • Replacing signing and installing new pavement marking.
  • Repairing select bridges including those over County O and over Aspen Avenue, County EW and over the railroad tracks.

In This Together

Knowing construction projects impact businesses, WisDOT has created the In This Together Program to help business owners navigate construction.


Construction will occur over a three-year period to minimize impacts to peak traffic periods. Construction currently is scheduled to begin in 2027.

  • Work could begin as early as 2026 if funding becomes available.

Traffic Impacts

I-94 will remain open to traffic under bidirectional traffic along eastbound I-94.

  • Detours will be posted during County O and County EW ramp closures and during closure of County EW. County O is anticipated to remain open to one lane of traffic at all times.
  • Other local roads will offer motorists additional options for navigating around the work zone.

Project Documents


Zach VanOstrand
WisDOT Northwest Region Consultant Project Manager
(612) 427-2838

Nicole Passuello
WisDOT Northwest Region Project Supervisor
(715) 833-5572

Christena T. O’Brien
WisDOT Northwest Region Communications Manager
(715) 828-9471

Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Northwest Region, Eau Claire Office
718 W. Clairemont Ave.
Eau Claire, WI 54701
(715) 836-2891, (800) 991-5285