WIS 70 (Burnett-Washburn County line to 1,350 feet west of 1st Street), towns of Evergreen and Bashaw to city of Spooner - Washburn County


WIS 70 from the Burnett County line in the towns of Evergreen and Bashaw to 1,350 feet west of 1st Street in the city of Spooner just west of the city of Spooner, all in Washburn County.


This project aims to address increased deteriorating pavement, reduce run-off-the-road crashes, improve the condition of select culverts and replace out-of-date guardrail. The Wisconsin Department of Transportation is proposing to:

  • Recycle the top four inches of asphalt pavement, mix it with an asphalt stabilizing agent and pave the highway with 2.75 inches of new asphalt.
  • Pave wider shoulders and add rumble strips.
  • Replace culverts at Dago and Whiskey creeks and clean, repair and replace other culverts as needed.
  • Replace existing guardrail.
  • Clean ditches.

In This Together

WisDOT recognizes businesses in work zones have special needs and that it is critical that customers have access to them throughout any highway or bridge project, so it developed the following guides to help businesses navigate construction:


Construction currently is scheduled for 2027.

Traffic Impacts

During construction:

  • WIS 70 is expected to remain open to traffic for most work; however, it will be closed to through traffic during culvert replacement.
    • Local traffic will be detoured from WIS 70 to County O (west of Yellow River) to County B to US 63 (in Shell Lake) to WIS 70 (in Spooner).
    • Truck traffic will be detoured from WIS 70 (north of Siren) to WIS 35 to WIS 77 (north of Danbury) to US 53 (Minong) to WIS 70 (near Spooner).
  • Access will be maintained to properties within the work zone that do not have alternate access available outside the work zone.
  • Access to businesses and residences within the construction area may involve the use of temporary driveways and gravel surfaces.


Andrew Peterson
WisDOT Northwest Region Consultant Project Manager
(608) 792-6851

Matt Van Natta
WisDOT Northwest Region Project Supervisor
(715) 225-9312

Christena T. O'Brien
WisDOT Northwest Region Communications Manager
(715) 833-9814, (715) 828-9471

Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT)
Northwest Region, Superior Office
1701 N. 4th St.
Superior, WI 54880-1068
(715) 392-7925, (800) 590-1868
WI Telecommunications Relay System (TTY): 711