WIS 72 (County BB to County G), town of El Paso to town of Spring Lake - Pierce County


The 10.86-mile segment runs from County BB east of Ellsworth to County G just west of Elmwood, all in Pierce County.


The existing asphalt pavement on WIS 72 is showing signs of deterioration. To address this and other issues, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation is proposing to:

  • Recycle 3.5 inches of existing pavement and pave 2.75 inches of asphalt pavement from County BB to 150th Street and remove 3.25 inches of asphalt and pave 3.25 inches of asphalt from 150th Street to County G.
  • Widen travel lanes and shoulders to increase safety.
  • Clean, line or replace culverts.
  • Replace guardrail.

Traffic Impacts

WIS 72 will remain open to through traffic during construction, but motorists will encounter single-lane closures controlled by flagging.


Construction currently is scheduled for 2032.

  • Construction could advanced to 2028 if funding becomes available.


Lance Williston
WisDOT Northwest Region Consultant Manager
(608) 663-1218, ext. 809

Dave Koepp
WisDOT Northwest Region Project Supervisor
(715) 563-8402

Christena T. O’Brien
WisDOT Northwest Region Communications Manager
(715) 833-9814, (715) 828-9471

Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Northwest Region, Eau Claire Office
718 W. Clairemont Ave.
Eau Claire, WI 54701
(715) 836-2891, (800) 991-5285