WIS 73 (Rock Creek Bridge to WIS 29 East), Greenwood to town of Longwood - Clark County


The proposed improvement project is on WIS 73 from the Rock Creek Bridge in the village of Greenwood to WIS 29 East in the town of Longwood, all in Clark County.


The pavement on WIS 73, the Popple River Bridge, culverts and guardrail in this segment are showing signs of deterioration. To address these, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation is proposing:

  • From the Rock Creek Bridge to West Hunt Street in Greenwood:
    • Removing 3.25 inches of existing asphalt and placing 3.25 inches of new asphalt pavement.
    • Replacing curb ramps and making spot curb and gutter repairs.
    • Placing pavement markings.
  • From West Hunt Street in Greenwood north to WIS 29 East:
    • Removing 2.25 inches of the existing pavement and placing 3.25 inches of new asphalt pavement.
    • Replacing cattle passes no longer in use with culvert pipes.
    • Extending a box culvert north of Greenwood and replacing the structure's wings.
    • Overlaying the Popple River Bridge deck with concrete, repairing the concrete surface on the bridge abutments, repairing scour and replacing a bridge wing wall.
    • Cleaning or replacing culverts.
    • Cleaning ditches.
    • Replacing or adjusting guardrail.

Real Estate

The proposed project will require real estate acquisition, both permanent and temporary, along WIS 73 throughout the project limits, including City Hall Park in Greenwood. The permanent and temporary easement strip takings are required due to project impacts to adjacent properties attributed to curb ramp, roadway fill, ditching, guardrail installation and culvert work.

  • There is a curb ramp at the corner of WIS 73/Main Street and East Division Street that needs to be changed in order to meet current Americans With Disabilities Act standards. Consequently, the following must be acquired from City Hall Park:
    • Permanent acquisition known as FEE: 15.4 square feet (0.0003535 acre).
      • This permanent impact will not affect the use or function of the park.
    • Temporary acquisition know as TLE: 155.66 square feet (0.003573 acre).
      • The temporary easement will be restored to preconstruction conditions.
  • To review the landowner's rights pamphlet, click for English,Hmong or Spanish.


Construction is scheduled for: 2025.

Traffic Impacts

  • For the rural and urban segments, single-lane closures controlled by flagging operations are expected.
    • During work on the Popple River Bridge, single-lane closures controlled by temporary traffic signals are anticipated.

Project Documents

Contacts - Updated

Daniel Rambo
WisDOT Northwest Region Project Leader
(715) 514-7255

Nicole Passuello
WisDOT Northwest Region Project Supervisor
(715) 833-5572

Christena T. O’Brien
WisDOT Northwest Region Communications Manager
(715) 833-9814, (715) 828-9471

Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Northwest Region, Eau Claire Office
718 W. Clairemont Ave.
Eau Claire, WI 54701
(715) 836-2891, (800) 991-5285