The proposed project on WIS 175 (W. Appleton Avenue) begins at WIS 181 (N. 76th Street) and ends just west of I-41 at the Menomonee River in the City of Milwaukee. The total project length is approximately 4.4 miles.
Traffic volumes from 2019 indicate the roadway carries between 8,100 and 21,700 vehicles per day. The roadway is on the National Highway System. WIS 175 is currently a four-lane, divided urban roadway with a posted speed limit that varies from 35 mph to 45 mph along the project corridor. WIS 175 is a principal arterial for the entire length of the project. This section of WIS 175 was last reconstructed in 1966 and was last resurfaced in 2013.
Project letter:
English |
Spanish |
The purpose of the project is to:
- address pavement condition
- address ride quality
- replace traffic signal equipment
- address service life of the bridges over the Little Menomonee River
- maintenance of ditches and culverts within the IH 41 interchange
- add street lighting at select locations
- address Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards for pedestrian accommodations
- update guardrails
Traffic Impacts
- WIS 175 will be reduced to one lane in both directions from approximately April 2028 to November 2028
- Traffic will be able to cross WIS 175 at all cross streets
- Access to local residences and business directly on WIS 175 will be maintained
Construction is scheduled for 2028.
Design phase - Do you have any comments or questions? We'd like to hear from you! Please feel free to
submit your comments or contact the project representatives below.
Deb Tarnow - Project Manager
(262) 548-6768
Dan Sellers - Communications Manager
(262) 548-6702