The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) is in the beginning phases of analyzing the potential installation of noise barriers along portions of I-894 in the city of Greenfield.
Noise Barrier Process:
These barriers are being built as part of a $7 million line item included in the 2023-25 State Budget. The budget defined the limits of the project area along I-894 from Loomis Rd to 76th St.
A noise analysis was completed, and cost estimates developed. After determining which barriers were most cost effective, benefited receptors are given the opportunity to vote on the barrier which benefits their property.
The barrier must receive a vote of support from a simple majority of all votes cast by the adjacent landowners and residents of “benefited receptors”. (To qualify as a benefited receptor, the property must have an eight-decibel reduction from the noise barrier.)
If support for the barrier is affirmed, the barrier will be installed to minimize noise impacts.
The public involvement meeting will be conducted in order to provide an opportunity to ask questions and learn about the voting process.
Public Involvement Meeting
WisDOT hosted a Public Involvement Meeting on September 30, 2024, at Greenfield City Hall. This meeting included information on the Barrier B (between 76th St and 68th St, and between 68th St and 60th St), and Barrier D (between 51st St and Loomis Rd). Both barriers are on the south side of I-894.
View noise barrier location map
View the documents from the meeting:
Handout Packet
Anticipated Project Schedule
Recommended Noise Barriers
I-894 Noise Barrier Process
Policy Handout
Noise Barrier B Decibel Changes
Noise Barrier D Decibel Changes
Renderings presented at meeting:
Noise Barrier B: English Meadow Apartments (66th Street)
Noise Barrier B: 62nd Street and Van Norman Avenue
Noise Barrier B: 72nd Street and Van Norman Avenue
Noise Barrier D: 49th Street and Frontage Road
Noise Barrier D: 45th Street and Armour Avenue
Frequently Asked Questions
Enclosed are frequently asked questions about noise barriers and their answers. This will help you understand WisDOT policy for installing noise barriers and how adjacent landowners and residents are involved.
Noise Barrier Brochure
Design Schedule:
Preliminary Design Plans - Fall 2023
Public Involvement Phase 1 - Late Fall 2023
Environmental Document - Spring 2024
Public Involvement Phase 2 - Summer 2024
Construction - Summer 2025
Amanda Johansen – Design Project Manager
(262) 521-4465
Dan Sellers – Communications Manager
(262) 548-6702