Project location |
Project overview |
Schedule |
Traffic impacts/detours |
Status/phase |
Contact information
Project location
US 51/Center Avenue intersection with Court/Milwaukee/Centerway in Janesville - Rock County.
Project overview
This project location, aka Five Points, is the intersection of several significant routes including US 51 (Center Avenue), Court Street, Milwaukee Street, and Centerway Street in the City of Janesville. This safety improvement project includes:
- Upgrading the traffic signal equipment
- Improving turn lanes
- Improving pedestrian crossings and island treatments
- Adding sidewalk connections
- Adding pedestrian channelization fencing
- Providing high-visibility crosswalks
- Reconstructing the intersection
- Updating the pavement markings
- July 13, 2023 - Public Involvement Meeting
- March 10, 2022 - Public Involvement Meeting (PIM)
- 2025 - Construction anticipated
Traffic impacts/detours
This intersection will be reconstructed in stages.
- Stage 1: Intersection will be closed to through traffic utilizing WIS 11, I-90/39 and US 14.
- Stage 2: Intersection will be partially closed, northbound and southbound through movements and the northbound to eastbound right turn movement will be allowed.
Emergency vehicles will be allowed access through the work areas at all times during construction.
Contact information
Jim Simpson, P.E., P.L.S.
WisDOT Project Manager
(608) 246-5628
Hannah Punzel
WisDOT Southwest Region Communications Manager
(608) 246-7907
Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT)
Southwest Region, Madison Office
2101 Wright Street
Madison, WI 53704
Phone: (608) 246-3800
TTY: 711