WIS 136 (Baraboo River Retaining Wall) - Sauk County

Project location | Project overview | Schedule | Traffic impacts/detours | Status/phase | Contact information

Project location

WIS 136 (Baraboo River Retaining Wall) - Sauk County

Project overview

This project will install a redundant sheet pile retaining wall along a bank of Baraboo River off of WIS 136 0.4 miles west of US 12 in Sauk County. The concrete barrier wall will be replaced, and the existing storm sewer will be extended. Guard rail will be replaced along the project length. Asphalt, curb and gutter will be replaced in in areas necessary to access storm sewer.


Traffic impacts/detours

WIS 136 will be closed and detoured for the duration of construction.



Contact information

Greg Brecka, P.E.
WisDOT Project Manager
(608) 516-6524

Hannah Punzel​
WisDOT Southwest Region Communications Manager
(608) 246-7907

Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT)
Southwest Region, Madison Office
2101 Wright Street
Madison, WI 53704
Phone: (608) 246-3800
Email: swr.dtsd@dot.wi.gov