Project location |
Project overview |
Schedule |
Traffic impacts/detours |
Status/phase |
Contact information
Project location
WIS 16 (La Crosse Street to S Kinney Coulee Road), La Crosse - La Crosse County
Project overview
The purpose of the project is to address the existing deteriorating pavement which is exhibiting various forms of cracking. Also, curb ramps and the existing guardrail does not meet current standards. The proposed project also includes rehabilitation work to structures.
The proposed pavement improvement undertaking will consist of the following:
- Removal and replacement of existing asphalt pavement overlay
- Spot curb and gutter repair/replacement
- Spot replacement of the underlying concrete pavement
- Concrete pavement joint repair
- Spot storm sewer structure repairs
- ADA curb ramp replacement
- Structure rehabilitation work on the two bridges over the La Crosse River
- Signal upgrades at the intersection of Losey Blvd and WIS 16
- New pavement marking
- June 2024 - Update materials
- May 2023 - Virtual Public Involvement Meeting
- 2025 to 2027 - Construction anticipated
Traffic impacts/detours
Various traffic control options are being considered and include nighttime work, detours, and lane closures. Work on the bridges over the La Crosse River will be completed at separate times and require full closures to complete the work. Access to residences and businesses will be maintained except for short periods while construction operations are directly adjacent to the entrances.
Contact information
John Bainter, P.E.
WisDOT Project Manager
(608) 785-9729
Hannah Punzel
WisDOT Southwest Region Communications Manager
(608) 246-7907
Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT)
Southwest Region, La Crosse Office
3550 Mormon Coulee Road
La Crosse, WI 54601
Phone: (608) 785-9022