Project location |
Project overview |
Schedule |
Traffic impacts/detours |
Status/phase |
Contact information
Project location
WIS 21 (Sheridan Street to Adams County Line), Necedah - Juneau County
Project overview
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) plans to improve this 3.2 mile section of WIS 21 from WIS 80 to the Adams County Line. This project is needed because the existing pavement is aged and deteriorated with extensive cracking. The proposed improvement is to mill and overlay the existing asphalt pavement.
Improvements include:
- Replace the existing concrete pavement from Sheridan Street to the railroad crossing
- Replace concrete pavement, curb ramps and traffic signals at WIS 80 intersection
- Remove the top 3 inches of asphalt pavement and replace it with 4 inches of asphalt pavement from railroad crossing to Wisconsin River Bridge with the exception of County G intersection
- Modernize County G intersection to a roundabout
- Replace guardrail
- Install pavement marking
- Install centerline and shoulder rumble strips in rural areas
- Fall 2021 - Public Involvement Meeting materials
- 2025 - Construction anticipated
Traffic impacts/detours
- Stage 2: The South leg of the WIS 21 & WIS 80 intersection will be closed to through traffic. A detour route will be posted.
- Stage 3: The North leg of the WIS 21 & WIS 80 intersection will be closed to through traffic. A detour route will be posted.
- WIS 80 through traffic will be maintained.
- County G will be closed during construction, WIS 21 will be able to pass through the intersection.
- WIS 21 rural sections will be constructed under daytime, single lane closures utilizing flaggers.
Contact information
Nathan Schumaker, P.E.
WisDOT Project Manager
(608) 789-5538
Michael Bie
WisDOT Southwest Region Communications Manager
(608) 246-7928
Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT)
Southwest Region, La Crosse Office
3550 Mormon Coulee Road
La Crosse, WI 54601
Phone: (608) 785-9022
Fax: (608) 785-9969
TTY: 711