Project location | Project overview | Schedule | Traffic impacts/detours | Status/phase | Contact information
Project location
WIS 80 (S Fork Baraboo River bridge to WIS 33) and WIS 33 (Hillsboro City Limits to County HH), Hillsboro - Vernon County
Project overview
The purpose of this project is to replace the pavement structure of WIS 80 and WIS 33 and update sidewalk curb ramps to meet current ADA standards. The existing pavement has extensive alligator cracking, edge cracking, longitudinal and transverse cracking.
- April 2023 - Public Involvement Meeting
- 2027 - Construction anticipated
Traffic impacts/detours
WIS 80 and WIS 33 will be closed during construction; through traffic will be detoured via state highways.
Contact information
John Bainter, P.E.
WisDOT Project Manager
(608) 785-9729
Hannah Punzel
WisDOT Southwest Region Communications Manager
(608) 246-7907
Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT)
Southwest Region, La Crosse Office
3550 Mormon Coulee Road
La Crosse, WI 54601
Phone: (608) 785-9022