Millston safety rest area
- Near Millston, Jackson County
- Mile marker 124 eastbound
- GPS coordinates: N 44° 13.809' W 90° 42.602'
- 110 car and 41 truck parking stalls
- Men's and women's restrooms
- Family/assisted restroom
- Handicapped accessible
- Diaper changing facilities
- Drinking water
- Vending machines
- Travel/weather info
- Telephones plus TTY
- Picnic area and tables
- Pet exercise area
- Recycling areas
- Prairie demonstration plot
- Original safety rest area opened in 1999.
Truck Parking Information Management System (TPIMS)
- New site, consolidated two smaller eastbound safety rest areas formerly located nearby.
- "Sphagnum Moss" Historical Marker located on site.
- "Winnebago Indians" Historical Marker located on site.
- "Karner Blue Butterfly" and "The Barrens" plaques in prairie demonstration plot.