Comment period open through July 3
Release date: June 4, 2024
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) received an application requesting a new specialty license plate from the Wisconsin County Forests Association.
The Wisconsin County Forests Association is a non-profit organization that works to educate and sustain more than 2.4 million acres of healthy and productive forests for recreation and to provide materials to the state’s forest product’s industry.
Proceeds from the $25 donation, in addition to the regular registration fee for the specialty license plate, will be used to help advocate for and promote sustainable forest management in the State of Wisconsin.
To view their special group license plate application, visit The application is available for public comment through July 3, 2024.
The public comment period is the first step in a process for groups interested in sponsoring an Authorized Special Group license plate. The public can review each application submitted to become a special group plate and submit an objection if they do not approve of the special group plate. The public review period is open for 30 days. All objections are passed to the legislative Transportation Committee for final decision on the plate’s status.
Wisconsin Act 227 changed the approval process for new Authorized Special Group license plates. This became effective October 1, 2016. Full information on the new application process is available here.
A complete list of specialty plates currently offered is available at
For more information, contact:
WisDOT Office of Public Affairs
(608) 266-3581,