DMV explains steps to obtain an ID to use at the polls

Release date: August 5, 2024

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) explains the steps U.S. citizens need to take to obtain an ID to show at the polls if the voter does not already have some form of ID, such as a Wisconsin driver license or ID. There is no separate “voter ID” and a federally compliant REAL ID is not required for voting purposes.

First, U.S. citizens who will be at least 18 years of age by the next election, who do not currently have a valid Wisconsin driver license or ID, can check the Wisconsin Elections Commission website for information on what forms of ID are acceptable at the polls and other qualifications. This ID may be obtained free from the DMV if used for voting purposes.

Next, those who need an ID and want to get their first Wisconsin ID should begin at DMV’s website Bring the required documents and apply at your nearest DMV. Appointments are available but not required. Certain documents, such as a birth certificate, proof of identity and Wisconsin residency, are necessary to obtain an official Wisconsin ID card. If all documentation is not readily available, DMV offers U.S. citizens a process that may be used to obtain a receipt valid for voting while the remaining documents or verifications are obtained. 

DMV’s toll-free hotline at (844) 588-1069 is available for questions on obtaining an ID. Questions regarding voter eligibility, poll locations, voter registration information or other election information may be directed to the Wisconsin Elections Commission website

For more information, contact:

WisDOT Office of Public Affairs
(608) 266-3581,