
Craig Thompson, Secretary

In January 2019, Governor Tony Evers appointed Craig Thompson to serve Craig Thomsponas Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT). WisDOT is one of the largest state agencies, with more than 3,200 employees and a biennial budget of more than $8 billion.

The department supports all modes of transportation, including state highways, local roads, railroads, public transit systems, airports, and harbors. In addition, the department includes the Division of Motor Vehicles, which serves about 50,000 customers each week, and the Division of State Patrol that enforces laws and assists motorists throughout the state.

Craig plays an active role in transportation policy at the national and regional levels. He serves as 2024 president of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) after serving as the organization’s vice president in 2023. He also served as the 2020 president of the Mid-America Association of State Transportation Officials (MAASTO).

Previously Craig was the executive director of the Transportation Development Association (TDA) of Wisconsin. He has more than 30 years of experience working with Wisconsin businesses, communities, legislators and units of government. Prior to leading TDA, he served as the legislative director for the Wisconsin Counties Association, managing legislative initiatives at the state and federal levels.

Craig is a native of Racine and a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He lives in Madison with his wife. They have a daughter and a son.

You can reach the Office of the Secretary at (608) 266-1114 or

Secretary Thompson appearance request

If you are interested in having Secretary Thompson speak to your organization, please fill out this request form and email to