Business name change
If the name of your business changes, you must apply for an amended license by completing, providing, and submitting the following items:
- Motor Vehicle Dealer Two Year License Application form
- A bond rider or new bond with the new name
- A new lease if the business is leasing the business location
- Manufacturer/Importer/Distributor Certification of Dealer form
MV2131 if your dealership sells new vehicles
Location change
If you move your dealership, you will need to file an original dealer license application, complete with all zoning approval and other documentation. Your bond company will issue a bond rider showing your new location. See
retail dealer license.
Ownership change
If your business ownership changes, you must file a complete original dealer license application. See Retail dealer license for application instructions. Each new or existing owners need to complete a Change of Ownership-Addendum form
Ownership changes include:
- Changing type of ownership. (For example, from sole proprietor to corporation)
- Adding or deleting a partner
- Changing percentage of ownership between existing owners
Adding a branch or sublot
A branch is a secondary location within the same municipality, which has the facilities to operate independently from the main location. A sublot is a secondary location in the same municipality which lacks indoor display and service facilities. Only used vehicles may be sold from a sublot.
To add a branch or sublot to your current dealer license:
- Complete the Motor Vehicle Dealer Two Year License Application form
MV2186, listing the branch or sublot address. Be sure to include the zoning and local permit signatures on the form.
- Submit an appropriate facility statement for your license type.
- Send in a lease for the branch or sublot real estate unless the dealership owns the property.
- If you will be selling new vehicles from your branch location include—for each vehicle make—a manufacturer franchise listing the branch address. You may submit your franchise agreement on WisDOT's Manufacturer/Importer/Distributor Certification of Dealer form
- Include fees payable to Registration Fee Trust. Fees are $40 for a branch or $2 for a sublot.
Adding a franchise
If you add a franchise to your current dealership, submit your new franchise agreement on WisDOT's Manufacturer/Importer/Distributor Certification of Dealer form
MV2131. No fee is required. WisDOT will reissue your license certificate listing the new makes you are authorized to sell.
For more information: