Title VI complaints
If you believe that while accessing WisDOT’s programs or activities, you have been discriminated against because of your race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability, you may file a complaint by mail, fax or email with:
Taqwanya Smith, Senior Title VI and ADA Coordinator
Office of Business Opportunity and Equity Compliance
Wisconsin Department of Transportation
4822 Madison Yards Way, 5th Floor South
Madison, Wisconsin 53705
Phone: (608) 266-8129
TTY: (800) 947-3529; WI Relay 7-1-1
Fax: (608) 267-3641
You may also file a complaint with the FHWA or FTA Office of Civil Rights by email or mail at:
ADA complaints
Complaints that a WisDOT program, service, or activity is not accessible to persons with disabilities, should be directed to:
Taqwanya Smith, Senior Title VI and ADA Coordinator
Office of Business Opportunity and Equity Compliance
Wisconsin Department of Transportation
4822 Madison Yards Way, 5th Floor South
Madison, Wisconsin 53705
Phone: (608) 266-8129
TTY: (800) 947-3529; WI Relay 7-1-1
Fax: (608) 267-3641
Email: taqwanya.smith@dot.wi.gov
You may also file a complaint with the FHWA or FTA Office of Civil Rights by email or mail at:
For a detailed overview of the complaint process, please review the
Title VI Implementation Plan and Assurances
Statutory reference: Civil Rights Act of 1964, 49 CFR 21