Freight Railroad Preservation Program

Program Background

The Freight Rail Preservation Program (FRPP) is one of two freight rail assistance programs the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) administers (also see the Freight Rail Infrastructure Improvement Program [FRIIP]). Wisconsin’s original rail assistance program was created in 1977 to help communities and shippers preserve freight rail service during an era when widespread railroad bankruptcies and line abandonments threatened the availability of rail service in Wisconsin.

Initially, the program was limited to grants to local governments because of constitutional restrictions on state assistance to railroads. But in 1992, Wisconsin voters approved a constitutional amendment that included railroads in the list of eligible state money recipients.

In 1992, the original rail assistance grant program was replaced by the current FRPP program, which provides assistance funding to local units of government, industries, and railroads for the purpose of preserving essential rail lines and rehabilitating them following purchase. Statutory information about Wisconsin freight railroad assistance can be found in Wis. Stats. 85.08.

Since 1980, under both the original rail assistance funding program and FRPP, more than $326 million in grants have been awarded for rail acquisition and rehabilitation projects. The program currently has $8 million in bonding authority and $13 million in segregated (state appropriated) funds available.

The Freight Railroad Preservation Program provides assistance funding in the amount up to 80% of the total cost of the project:

  • ​To purchase abandoned rail lines in an effort to continue freight service, or for the preservation of the opportunity for future rail service
  • To rehabilitate railroad tracks and/or bridges.

Program Applicant Information

Notice to Wisconsin Railroad Stakeholders: In the fall of 2024, WisDOT adopted a Freight Rail Preservation Program (FRPP) policy revision.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What does this policy change mean? 

WisDOT is expanding eligibility to accept FRPP award solicitations from privately owned railroads for improvement projects.

When will the next FRPP project application deadline be?

​​Please send applications on or before February 1, 2025 by email to or to:

Chief, Railroads & Harbors Section
Wisconsin Department of Transportation
4822 Madison Yards Way, 6th Floor South
P.O. Box 7913
Madison, Wisconsin 53707-7913

How much grant funding is available?

For the SFY 2025 FRPP application cycle, the FRPP grant has $8 million in bonding authority and $13 million in segregated funds available for eligible projects.

How will projects be ranked if available funds are insufficient to cover all eligible projects?

Project selection procedures remain the same and are covered in depth in Part II of FRPP instructions.

Are FRPP funds available for improvements to rail lines owned or operated by Class I railroads?

Yes, WisDOT will now accept FRPP funding requests made by Class I and other privately owned railroads for improvement projects in Wisconsin.

Are FRPP funds available for improvements to non-mainline trackage (spurs/industry leads)?

​No, WisDOT will not begin accepting FRPP funding requests for non-mainline track improvement projects.

Where can I see the full policy changes?

SFY 2025 FRPP application materials


​For additional information, please contact:

Ben Mohlke​
Railroads and Harbors Section, WisDOT
(608) 267-3703​